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Deal reached 2T

چهارشنبه, ۶ فروردين ۱۳۹۹، ۰۹:۵۰ ب.ظ

while the corona viruses leave 19479 dead bodies in america. the american officials consider 2T Bill to improve situation in states specially .newyork that has the most cases. the americans will be paid by this bill

but as the who said the us has still time to turn it around.

this new virua has some challenges by it self... as cnn reported it estimated that nearly 14 milion

jobs will be lost in the summer and many of american will find themselve unemployed may be like 1930s.




۹۹/۰۱/۰۶ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

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