in the 70s donald trump was one of the biggest landowners on the eastcoast
he had huge ambitions and a igo as we know
he is starting to move into manahaten
trump tower became one of the first building in newyork where the shell companies could by and sell condos without identifying
in 80s senator henry jackson got a bill through congress allowing immigration of soviet jews to usa
the russians open theiir jails and members of the russian organised crime come to the usa for the first time
after his success in newyork he got into the atlantic casino bussiness
he goes big
but trump casino was hit hard for having violated anti laundry regulations
he basically unravels financially and his marriege was falling apart
SEMION(russian crime boss) made decision to make the move on trump due to feeling that trump is not in the position to say "no"
so russian saved him...
and now he cooperate with...