
learn english with news


learn english with news

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شنبه, ۴ خرداد ۱۳۹۸، ۰۵:۲۳ ق.ظ

as i said the top iranian official thought after the deal the they can resolve all the problem. they insist to link every problem to the deal and the people hope so. But during the negotiation a dual approach was seen. Iran lunch the missile and threat Israel to destroy. It was slamed by other countries. Iran was not alone to have a dual approach. the European and America recommend possible consensus points in the debates but after that they parrot absurd and outdated statement.

All in all I remember that the supreme leader asked the government to be vigilant against bullying powers and hegemonic forces.

Finally the jcpoa accepted by iran and everyone expect to experience the new paradise…

۹۸/۰۳/۰۴ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

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